Individual health counseling helps you discover what foods work best for your body and how to maximize your diet. Learning and implementing stress management techniques helps create more balance in your life. Individual Coaching will help you with: Mad Nutrition offers interactive, action oriented programs to focus your employees on a few “big impact” changes. Offerings include an initial presentation with action steps and multiple follow up “Check Ins” designed to monitor progress and increase motivation. Nutrition workshops don’t have to be “one off” lunch and learns…Julie creates a community of wellness in your workplace and harnesses the power of employees encouraging each other to get healthier. Group programs are designed for clubs, organizations or any small group of individuals. Group counseling can be done from two individuals on up. A bit of exercise every day is vital to keeping your body in excellent health. You don’t have to have a fancy gym membership to get your exercise: a romp in the park with your pet or a walk around your neighborhood are good for your heart and general health. Many people try to cut down the quantity of food they eat, however, the quality and kinds of foods you eat are even more important to your health. With a little education and instruction, you can make delicious AND nutritious meals and snacks, and literally eat your way to health.Mad Nutrition provides health counseling and nutrition education to individuals, businesses and groups
1. Health Counseling for Individuals
One on one nutritional counseling can be done in person or via phone or internet.
Contact Julie to learn more about how you can improve your personal health and fitness.
2. Nutrition Coaching for Businesses
Contact Julie to learn more about how this can benefit your employees.
3. Group Wellness Counseling
Group settings are unique because they offer you the opportunity to share your concerns with others who are experiencing the same feelings. Group members offer encouragement, keep each other on track and provide inspiration by sharing successes and setbacks in a safe, confidential and supportive environment.Contact Julie to learn more about how this can benefit your group.